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Returns the integer index of the first empty element within a region chain. Returns -1 if the content fits within the region chain, if it exceeds available space or if there are no regions in the region chain.

Property of apis/css-regions/NamedFlowapis/css-regions/NamedFlow


Note: This property is read-only.

var index = flow.firstEmptyRegionIndex;

Return Value

Returns an object of type NumberNumber

Returns the integer index of the first empty element within a region chain. Returns -1 if the content fits within the region chain, if it exceeds available space or if there are no regions in the region chain.



// deletes any empty regions from the end of a flow:
function trimRegions(flowName) {
    var flow = document.getNamedFlows().namedItem(flowName);
    var index = flow.firstEmptyRegionIndex;
    var regions = flow.getRegions();
    if (index == -1) return(false); // no empty regions?
    // remove first empty region & all thereafter:
    for (var i = index; i < regions.length; i++) {


 The firstEmptyRegionIndex is the index of the first

region within the flow’s getRegions() collection whose regionOverset is empty. If all are set to fit or overset, or if no regions are associated with the flow, the firstEmptyRegionIndex returns -1.

Related specifications

CSS Regions Module Level 1
W3C Working Draft

See also

Related articles


External resources