The MathML menclose element renders its content inside an enclosing notation specified by the notation attribute.
Overview Table
This example shows a simple markup using menclose:
<menclose notation="circle box">
<mi> x </mi>
<mo> + </mo>
<mi> y </mi>
Related specifications
- MathML 3.0
- W3C Recommendation
- notation
Multiple values are possible:
Value Description longdiv (default) long division symbol actuarial actuarial symbol radical square root symbol box box roundedbox rounded box circle circle left line to the left of the contents right line to the right of the contents top line above of the contents bottom line below of the contents updiagonalstrike strikeout line through contents from lower left to upper right downdiagonalstrike strikeout line through contents from upper left to lower right verticalstrike vertical strikeout line through contents horizontalstrike horizontal strikeout line through contents madruwb Arabic factorial symbol
Mozilla Developer Network
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