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Notice: The WebPlatform project, supported by various stewards between 2012 and 2015, has been discontinued. This site is now available on github.


In this section

  • @keyframes: Sets a list of property animation keyframes for an object in the HTML document.
  • animation: Gets or sets one or more shorthand values that specify all animation properties (except animation-play-state) for a set of corresponding object properties identified in the CSS @keyframes at-rule specified by the animation-name property.
  • animation-delay: Gets or sets one or more values that specify the offset within an animation cycle (the amount of time from the start of a cycle) before the animation is displayed for a set of corresponding object properties identified in the CSS @keyframes at-rule specified by the animation-name property.
  • animation-direction: Gets or sets one or more values that specify the direction of play for an animation cycle.
  • animation-duration: Gets or sets one or more values that specify the length of time to complete one cycle of the animation.
  • animation-fill-mode: Gets or sets one or more values that specify whether the effects of an animation are visible before or after it plays.
  • animation-iteration-count: Gets or sets one or more values that specify the number of times an animation cycle is played.
  • animation-name: Gets or sets a value that identifies one or more animation names. An animation name identifies (or selects) a CSS @keyframes at-rule.
  • animation-play-state: Gets or sets one or more values that specify whether an animation is playing or paused.
  • animation-timing-function: Gets or sets one or more values that specify the intermediate property values to be used during a single cycle of an animation on a set of corresponding object properties identified in the CSS @keyframes at-rule specified by the animationName property.
  • CSSKeyframeRule: Represents the style rule for a single key.
  • CSSKeyframesRule: Represents a complete set of keyframes for a single animation.


See also

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