The following table lists JavaScript Objects.
Language Element | Description |
Array | Provides support for creation of arrays of any data type. |
ArrayBuffer | Represents a raw buffer of binary data, which is used to store data for the different typed arrays. ArrayBuffers cannot be read from or written to directly, but can be passed to a typed array or DataView to interpret the raw buffer as needed. |
arguments | An object representing the arguments to the currently executing function, and the functions that called it. |
Boolean | Creates a new Boolean value. |
DataView | Used to read and write different kinds of binary data to any location in the ArrayBuffer. |
Date | Enables basic storage and retrieval of dates and times. |
Error | An object that contains information about errors that occur while JavaScript code is running. |
Float32Array | A typed array of 32-bit float values. |
Float64Array | A typed array of 64-bit float values. |
Function | Creates a new function. |
Global | An intrinsic object whose purpose is to collect global methods into one object. |
Int8Array | A typed array of 8-bit integer values. |
Int16Array | A typed array of 16-bit integer values. |
Int32Array | A typed array of 32-bit integer values. |
JSON | An intrinsic object that provides two methods to convert to and from the JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) format. |
Math | An intrinsic object that provides basic mathematics functionality and constants. |
Number | An object representation of the number data type and placeholder for numeric constants. |
Object | Provides functionality common to all JavaScript objects. |
RegExp | Stores information on regular expression pattern searches. |
Regular Expression | Contains a regular expression pattern. |
String | Allows manipulation and formatting of text strings and determination and location of substrings within strings. |
Uint8Array | A typed array of 8-bit unsigned integer values. |
Uint16Array | A typed array of 16-bit unsigned integer values. |
Uint32Array | A typed array of 32-bit unsigned integer values. |
Related Reference
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