Returns a reference to the prototype for a class of string.
The string argument is the name of a string.
Use the prototype property to provide a base set of functionality to a class of objects. New instances of an object “inherit” the behavior of the prototype assigned to that object.
For example, to add a method to the String object that returns the value of the last element of the string, declare the function, add it to String.prototype , and then use it.
function string_last( ){
return this.charAt(this.length - 1);
String.prototype.last = string_last;
var myString = new String("every good boy does fine");
// Output:
// e
All intrinsic JavaScript objects have a prototype property that is read-only. Properties and methods may be added to the prototype, but the object may not be assigned a different prototype. However, user-defined objects may be assigned a new prototype.
The method and property lists for each intrinsic object in this language reference indicate which ones are part of the object’s prototype, and which are not.
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