dl – description list
For technical reasons, the title of this article is not the text used to call this API. Instead, use dl
The dl element is used to define a description list. The element encloses one or more description terms, enclosed in dt elements, and description definitions (definitions of the terms), enclosed within dd elements.
Overview Table
Permitted contents | One of the following: |
Permitted parents | Any element that can contain [flow content](/w/index.php?title=html/concepts/flowContent&action=edit&redlink=1). |
Tag omission | A **dl** element must have both a start tag and an end tag. |
A description list is always wrapped by a single dl element. Inside that element you can place any number of child description topics, inside dt elements, and description definitions — the description or definition of the specified terms or topics — inside dd elements.
It doesn’t make sense to have an item without a description, or the other way round, but note that it is acceptable to have a single item with multiple descriptions, or a description with multiple items (see code examples section.)
The topics should always be placed before the descriptions.
A description list is not used as commonly as other types of list, except in journals, research papers, and other documentation where item/value pairs need to be displayed. For other uses, they are often not used as they are considered more difficult to style than other list types.
This example shows a simple definition list with two item/description pairs.
<dd>A popular hot drink.</dd>
<dt>Coca Cola</dt>
<dd>One of the leading brands of a popular cold fizzy drink.</dd>
This example shows a definition list with a single item but multiple descriptions for that item.
<dd>A popular hot drink.</dd>
<dd>A mid brown colour</dd>
<dd>A common social invitation</dd>
This example shows a definition list with a single description and multiple items fitting that description.
<dt>Vimto (in the North of England)</dt>
<dd>A popular hot drink.</dd>
Typical browser default CSS properties for the dl element.
display: block;
margin-top: 16px;
margin-bottom: 16px;