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The normalized pressure of the pointer input in the range of [0,1], where 0 and 1 represent the minimum and maximum pressure the hardware is capable of detecting, respectively.

Property of dom/PointerEventdom/PointerEvent


Note: This property is read-only.

var pressure = event.pressure;

Return Value

Returns an object of type doubledouble

Pressure of the pointer contact in range of 0 to 1.


The following is an example of a pointermove event handler that outputs the value of the event.pressure property to a text field in a form (frmOutput);

function getPressure(evt){
var theform=document.forms.frmOutput;


 Could be used for example to control the hue or opacity of a color of a line or shape as it is drawn on screen using a pointer, other than a mouse.

For hardware that does not support pressure, including but not limited to mouse, the value must be 1 when in the active buttons state and 0 otherwise.


Starting with Internet Explorer 11, this property returns a value of 0.5 for active contact (such as mouse button push) and 0 otherwise on hardware that does not support pressure.
