The height (magnitude on the Y axis), in CSS pixels, of the contact geometry of the pointer.
Property of dom/PointerEventdom/PointerEvent
Note: This property is read-only.
var result = event.height;
Return Value
Returns an object of type unsigned longunsigned long
Resizing an element to match the contact geometry
<div style="position:absolute; top:0px; left:0px; width:100px;height:100px;"></div>
window.addEventListener("pointerdown", checkPointerSize, false);
function checkPointerSize(event) {
event.target.style.width = event.width + "px";
event.target.style.height = event.height + "px";
This value may be updated on each event for a given pointer. For devices which have a contact geometry but the actual geometry is not reported by the hardware, a default value may be provided by the user agent to approximate the geometry typical of that pointer type. Otherwise, the value must be 0.
For touch hardware that doesn’t support width or height, a CSS document pixel equivalent of 7 millimeters is returned. For mouse or pen input, a value off 1 pixel is returned.
In Internet Explorer 10, the returned value is in screen pixels. In Internet Explorer 11, the returned value is in CSS document pixels, where for example, a div sized to the values of PointerEvent.width and PointerEvent.height would have the same size as the finger contact.
Microsoft Developer Network: [height Property - PointerEvent Article]