Represents events for tracking modifications, insertions and deletions of attributes and nodes in the DOM. Mutation Events (W3C DOM Level 3 Events) have been deprecated in favor of Mutation Observers (W3C DOM4).
Do not use it in old or new projects.
Pages or Web apps using it may break at any time.
- attrChange
- Gets a value that indicates what type of change occurred.
- attrName
- Gets the name of the attribute that changed.
- newValue
- Gets the new value of the attribute or text node.
- prevValue
- Gets the previous value of the attribute or text node.
- relatedNode
- Gets a second node related to a mutation event.
- initMutationEvent
- Initializes a new DOM mutation (modification) event that the createEvent method created.
No events.
Inherited from Event
- bubbles
- Gets a value that indicates whether an event propagates up from the event target.
- cancelable
- Gets a value that indicates whether you can cancel an event’s default action.
- currentTarget
- Gets the event target that is currently being processed.
- defaultPrevented
- Gets whether the default action should be canceled.
- eventPhase
- Gets the event phase that is being evaluated.
- isTrusted
- Gets a value that indicates whether a trusted event source created an event.
- target
- Gets the element that is the original target of the event.
- timeStamp
- Gets the time, in milliseconds, when an event occurred.
- type
- Gets the name of an event.
- initEvent
- Initializes a new generic event that the createEvent method created.
- preventDefault
- Cancels the default action of an event, if possible.
- stopImmediatePropagation
- Prevents any further propagation of an event.
- stopPropagation
- Prevents propagation of an event beyond the current target.
- cut
- Fires after a data selection is cut to the clipboard.
- dataavailable
- Fires when new data at a data source becomes available.
- datasetchanged
- Fires when content at a data source has changed.
- datasetcomplete
- Fires when data transfer from the data source has completed.
- deactivate
- Sets an active version of an object to not active.
- error
- Fires when an error occurs.
- errorupdate
- Executes any error handling associated with the event.
Mutation events occur when DOM nodes are inserted and removed, or when character data or attributes are modified. For more information, see initMutationEvent.
Related specifications
- DOM Level 2 Events
- Recommendation
See also
Related articles
Mozilla Developer Network
: [MutationEvent Article]
Microsoft Developer Network: [MutationEvent Article]
Portions of this content come from HTML5Rocks! [MutationEvent samples article]