an introduction to web design
Does designing for the web differ from designing a chair? No, it doesn’t. Both need to make usability, aesthetic and technic work together to serve the product pupose and its users.
The design process
When a designer conceives a chair, the designer needs to think about the technical requirements, the products aesthetic appearance and the ease of use for the user:
- If the final object is superb but no one can sit on it, the designer didn’t conceive a chair but just a piece of art.
- If the chair is the most comfortable in the world but it looks like a torture device to sit on it, who would even try it? The chair that is designed must have a coherent look and feel: it should offer a positive experience to its users.
For a chair like for the Web, Designing is conceiving a product for its users. It is a process where technical constraints, aesthetic and usability meet in order to serve a purpose for its targets. Design must focus on existing and future users. Designing for the WEB is not just about graphics/aesthetics, rather it applies to all the overarching work going towards ensuring that the Web project meets its purpose for its target audience.
> Grid > Legibility > Layout > Typography > Animation > Graphics