The WebSocket connection close code provided by the server.
Property of apis/websocket/CloseEventapis/websocket/CloseEvent
Note: This property is read-only.
var result = element.code;
Return Value
Returns an object of type unsigned shortunsigned short
Status code | Name | Description |
0-999 | Reserved and not used. | |
1000 | CLOSE_NORMAL | Normal closure; the connection successfully completed whatever purpose for which it was created. |
1001 | CLOSE_GOING_AWAY | The endpoint is going away, either because of a server failure or because the browser is navigating away from the page that opened the connection. |
1002 | CLOSE_PROTOCOL_ERROR | The endpoint is terminating the connection due to a protocol error. |
1003 | CLOSE_UNSUPPORTED | The connection is being terminated because the endpoint received data of a type it cannot accept (for example, a text-only endpoint received binary data). |
1004 | CLOSE_TOO_LARGE | The endpoint is terminating the connection because a data frame was received that is too large. |
1005 | CLOSE_NO_STATUS Reserved. | Indicates that no status code was provided even though one was expected. |
1006 | CLOSE_ABNORMAL Reserved. | Used to indicate that a connection was closed abnormally (that is, with no close frame being sent) when a status code is expected. |
1007-1999 | Reserved for future use by the WebSocket standard. | |
2000-2999 | Reserved for use by WebSocket extensions. | |
3000-3999 | Available for use by libraries and frameworks. May not be used by applications. | |
4000-4999 | Available for use by applications. |
Related specifications
- W3C WebSocket Specification
- W3C Candidate Recommendation
Mozilla Developer Network
: Article
Microsoft Developer Network: Windows Internet Explorer API reference Article