Provides for the connection between remote peers, the transmission of locally generated MediaStream data and arbitrary data between peers.
- iceGatheringState
- Returns the gathering state of the ICE agent.
- iceState
- Returns the ICE state of the ICE agent.
- localDescription
- Returns the RTCSessionDescription most recently passed to the setLocalDescription() method along with any local candidate descriptions generated since the method was called.
- localStreams
- Returns an array of MediaStream objects added to the connection with addStream().
- onaddstream
- Handles the addstream event fired when setRemoteDescription() is called.
- ondatachannel
- Handles the datachannel event.
- ongatheringchange
- Handles the gatheringchange event for a change to the iceGatheringState property.
- onicecandidate
- Handles the icechange event for a change to the apis/webrtc/RTCPeerConnection/iceState property. It is called any time there is a new ICE candidate added to a previous offer or answer.
- onicechange
- Handles the icechange event. It is called any time the iceState changes.
- onidentityresult
- Handles the identityresult event for the success or failure of an identity verification.
- onnegotiationneeded
- Handles the negotiationneeded event.
- onopen
- Handles the open event. Testing.
- onremovestream
- Handles the removeStream event for when setRemoteDescription() is called to remove a MediaStream object on the remote peer.
- onstatechange
- Handles the statechange event for when the readyState property is changed, i.e. with a call to setLocalDescription() or setRemoteDescription(). The event does not fire when a new RTCPeerConnection object is created.
- peerIdentity
- Contains the peer identity assertion information if an identity assertion was provided and verified.
- readyState
- Returns the ready state of the peer connection.
- remoteDescription
- Returns the RTCSessionDescription most recently passed to the setRemoteDescription() method along with any remote candidate descriptions supplied with addIceCandidate(). Returns null if the remote description has not been set.
- remoteStreams
- Returns an array of MediaStream objects added to the connection by the remote peer. This array is updated when the addstream and removestream events are fired.
- addIceCandidate
- Provides a remote candidate to the ICE agent.
- addStream
- Adds a new stream to the RTCPeerConnection.
- close
- Closes a peer connection, stops all active ICE processing and any active streaming, and releases any relevant resources such as TURN permissions.
- createAnswer
- Creates a session description compatible with the remote configuration.
- createDataChannel
- Creates an RTCDataChannel object with the given label.
- createOffer
- Creates a session description compatible with the local configuration.
- getIdentityAssertion
- Provides an identity assertion.
- getStats
- Retrieves status information for a given MediaStreamTrack.
- removeStream
- Removes the given stream from the localStreams array in the RTCPeerConnection and fires the negotiationneeded event.
- setIdentityProvider
- Sets the identity provider. Not required if the browser is already configured for an identity provider.
- setLocalDescription
- Applies the supplied RTCSessionDescription to the local description.
- setRemoteDescription
- Applies the supplied RTCSessionDescription to the remote description.
- updateIce
- Updates the ICE agent process that gathers local candidates and remote candidates.
- negotiationneeded
The browser anticipates a session negotiation is required.
It is triggered whenever addStream, removeStream or setIdentityProvider methods were called successfully and RTCPeerConnection signalingState is