Represents an object store in a database.
- autoIncrement
- Provides the auto increment flag for this object store.
- indexNames
- Provides a list of the names of indexes on objects in this object store.
- keyPath
- Provides the key path of this object store.
- name
- Provides the name of this object store.
- transaction
- Returns the transaction this object store belongs to.
- add
- Adds a record to the specified object store.
- clear
- Removes all records from the object store.
- count
- The count method returns the number of records in an object store.
- createIndex
- This method creates and returns a new index with the given name and parameters in the connected database.
- delete
- Removes a record from the specified Object Store.
- deleteIndex
- This method destroys the index with the given name in the connected database. Note that this method must only be called from a “versionchange” transaction callback.
- get
- Runs the steps for asynchronously executing a request and returns the IDBRequest created by these steps.
- index
- Returns an IDBIndex representing an index that is part of the object store.
- openCursor
- Creates a cursor.
- put
- Creates a structured clone of the value parameter.
No events.
Related specifications
- W3C IndexedDB Specification
- W3C Proposed Recommendation
Microsoft Developer Network: [Windows Internet Explorer API reference Article]