A text track cue is the unit of time-sensitive data in a text track corresponding, for instance, for subtitles and captions to the text that appear at a particular time and disappear at another time.
- align
- A string representing the text track cue alignment, as follows. If it is start alignment: the string "start". If it is middle alignment: the string "middle". If it is end alignment: the string "end". If it is left alignment: the string "left". If it is right alignment: the string "right". Default is "middle".
- endTime
- The text track cue end time, in seconds.
- id
- Gets or sets a text track cue identifier.
- line
- The text track cue line position. In the case of the value being auto, the string “auto” is returned.
- pauseOnExit
- Returns the pause-on-exit flag on a TextTrackCue. When the flag is true, playback will pause when it reaches the cue’s endTime.
- position
- The text track cue text position.
- size
- The text track cue size.
- snapToLines
- Returns the text track cue snap-to-lines flag setting.
- startTime
- The text track cue start time, in seconds.
- text
- The text track cue text in raw, unparsed form.
- track
- Returns the TextTrack object to which this text track cue belongs, if any, or null otherwise.
- vertical
- A string representing the text track cue writing direction, as follows. If it is horizontal: The empty string. If it is vertical growing left: The string "rl". If it is vertical growing right: The string "lr".
- getCueAsHTML
- Returns the text track cue text as a DocumentFragment of HTML elements and other DOM nodes.
No events.
Individual cues are returned from a TextTrackCueList object (collection of cues). Cues can also be created and added to a track.
Related specifications
- W3C HTML5 Specification
- W3C Editor’s Draft
Microsoft Developer Network: Windows Internet Explorer API reference Article