Code Viewer
Among Web Platform Docs features is a live code viewer and pastebin. It allows us to keep in one place all code samples.
The webapp we are using for this is Lea Verou's Dabblet available at and keeps the code in a dedicated GitHub Gists repository.
- Provides a live preview of input HTML, CSS, SVG, JavaScript
- Allows users to share code snippets with each other, as a pastebin (mostly done, still replies on GitHub)
- Provides a way to open example code from the wiki in live example without copy-paste (some progress, not done)
Needs improvement
- Cannot work directly with raw HTML file and HTTP headers
- Find way to add another file and define its content-type
Because integration has many aspects, we will roll out full support for this feature in several steps.
Phase 1: Static Live Code Viewer
Status: Done
Phase 2: Open Examples from Wiki
Status: not started
Phase 3: Inline Live Examples
Status: not started
Phase 4: Host Gists on
Status: not started
Other Tasks
Technical Requirements
Dedicated Subdomain
The public URL will be
Additional Subdomains
In addition to the public-facing URL, Dabblet needs two additional subdomains for security reasons:
- Result preview: This is only used internally and not displayed to the user. It’s a separate domain for security reasons, otherwise people could write dabblets that leak the user’s access token. On, this is called
- Full-page results: This is for results without any dabblet chrome around them. Separate subdomain for the same security reasons. On dabblet, this is This is not critical, worst case we could just disable this feature.
Why are separate subdomains needed?
localStorage is local per subdomain. In dabblet, localStorage stores the user’s Github access token. An access token is a unique string Github Oauth sends to dabblet after authentication is succesfull, to identify the current user, and dabblet uses that token in subsequent requests. If executed scripts had access to dabblet’s localStorage info, they could steal the current user’s access token and send it to an arbitrary server so some attacker could use it to log in to Github as the dabblet user that access token belonged to.
Github API keys
File edits required
- code/global.js for Client API key (Done)
- Rename sample.oauth.php to oauth.php
- oauth.php for domain and Client & Secret API keys (Done)
- HTML and JS files, for the domain
- Change .htaccess with the proper domain and subdomains (Partially done)
Github repo:
TODO: Need to be able to have separate git subdirectory with the above as a remote, so we can easily pull changes. Might be a problem if we have a different structure for the subdomains (i.e. completely separate files instead of subfolders).
salt-run code.dabblet
- Logo
- Skinning (colors etc)
- Prism theme (will also be used on WPD)
- Links to WPD sections