HTML/DOM Reference page title
Note: MSDN combines HTML elements and their corresponding DOM objects into one topic; in MDN, these are separate topics types.
Page table of contents
- Links to subheadings within this article for ease of access
Brief summary. A few sentences at most.
Normative documents
Example pages/Common elements#Normative_documents
HTML information
- Closing tag: {required|optional}
- CSS display: {inline|block}
- List of types of members that the DOM object has, linked to following sections
= (Events)
- property1
- (type of property1 – used only by MDN)
- summary of property1
property2 - summary of property2
Longer description, can be multiple paragraphs.
(Arbitrary subheading)
More explanation.
Explanatory text about examples
(Example subheading)
Example pages/Common elements#Code_block
Browser compatibility
Example pages/Common elements#Browser_compatibility